Use this page to identify software versions for the ZTE ZMAX as well as details on recent software updates.
ZTE Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Drivers Download This page contains the list of download links for ZTE Mobile Phones & Portable Devices. To download the proper driver you should find the your device name and click the download link.
On this page:
Identify the device's current software version
Android version 4.4.2 / Software version Z970V1.0.0B35
- From the Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > About phone.
- Read the build number on the phone.
- Review the information in the Review software version details section below.

Android version 4.4.2 / Software version Z970V1.0.0B34
- From the Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > About phone.
- Read the build number on the phone.
- Review the information in the Review software version details section below.
Review software version details
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B35 | November 16, 2016 | November security updates | Available November 16, 2016 If your device meets the update requirements, this update will be available to you to download. |
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B34 | May 23, 2016 | Security updates | Available May 23, 2016 If your device meets the update requirements, this update will be available to you to download. |
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B33 | September 1, 2015 | VoLTE, Band 12, Messaging security improvements | Available September 1, 2015 If your device meets the update requirements, this update will be available to you to download. |
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B22 | January 15, 2015 | Stability and user experience improvements | Available January 15, 2015 If your device meets the update requirements, this update will be available to you to download. |
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B20 | October 9, 2014 | T-Mobile Free Inflight Texting | Available October 9, 2014 If your device meets the update requirements, this update will be available to you to download. |
Android version 4.4.2 Software version Z970V1.0.0B16 | September 24, 2014 | Original software | Available September 24, 2014 This is the launch software version of the device. When a software update becomes available, this information will be updated. |
Other versions | N/A | N/A | Your device has non-T-Mobile software, and it is unsupported. The manufacturer and T-Mobile cannot update your software. |
Determine update requirements
Customers' devices must meet the following requirements to update their software to the most current version:
- 50% or higher battery life
- Data connection
- File size is 17.2 MB
Update software versions
Update automatically over the air (OTA)
- From the message Notification Screen, tap Download.
- Tap Install Now.
- Wait as your phone restarts and updates.
Zte Phone Pc Connection Software
Check for update
Zte Update Download
- From the Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > About phone.
- Tap Additional system updates > Software update > Check for update.
- Wait while the device checks for updates.
- If an update is available, tap to download and install.
Issues after updating
If you experience issues after updating to the latest software version, follow these steps:
- Wipe your cache partition to make sure that all system files on your device are put back in order.
- If wiping the cache partition does not work, you may need to perform a master reset.